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Hello, My name is

Shubh Shubhankar

I'm a

About Me

Shubh Shubhankar

I love exploring new things!

I'm a Fourth Year Computer Science Engineering Student at Vellore Institute of Technology, Bhopal. I am primarily interested in Competitive Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Web Development.

I enjoy learning new skills and implementing them in real life!
I am a believer of peer learning and always ready to share my knowledge.

Picture of Shubh Shubhankar


An individual eager to learn and explore new fields of life and technology, with good listening skills and fast learning abilities.


Web Development

Data Structures and Algorithms

Competitive Programming



C++ Language

React JS

 C++ Language



Next JS


Node JS


Image of Project


This was a team project. Which was build during the HackWie MSIT'21
ShopEzy is an invoice and bussiness solution for small bussiness including groceries , fashion stores and almost every shops and stores that need modern analytics , stock management and invoice solution. All the calculation stuffs from GST to sale price and profits are calculated automatically.


Link for githu repo
Image of Project

Crown Clothing

This was a personal project.It is a react based App using the concept of react, react-rounting, redux and many more. It uses Firebase as database. Stripe is used to provide payment gateway. Authentication is implemented using Google OAuth and Basic Email/Password.

ReactJS TypeScript SASSFirebase

Link for githu repo Link for project
Image of Project

Open-D NFT Marketplace

OpenD is a NFT marketplace that allows users to discover, buy, mint and sell NFTs on the ICP. It uses React and Motoko for the front-end and back-end development, and integrates DCT token as the payment method. OpenD is a decentralized platform that showcases NFT collections and enables peer-to-peer transactions.

ReactJS Motoko CSS

Link for githu repo


My inbox and social medias are always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hello, I will try my best to get back to you! Feel free to contact me about any relevant opportunity or just a simple talk.

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